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Hi I am 

Saad Tariq

I am a Media student from 5th Semester.

About me

I am a media student and I have been studying from numerous topic including (Sports,Current affairs,Terrorism,Global warming as well as current wars like Ukraine&Russiawar,Gaza&Israelwar.)


Two weeks ago, An interesting topic about (Tree plantation) that was given me and my group friends by Madam Zirva. For this, I visited some local places and asked analytical people about tree plantation.After that I learned that tree plantation is an essential part of our life that can save us from various diseases like 1: Mental Health Issues (e.g., anxiety, depression, stress),2: Heat-Related Illnesses (e.g., heatstroke, dehydration),3:Respiratory Diseases (e.g., asthma, bronchitis). Subsequently, we have done 8 to 10 tree plantation on different places because to have tree plantation around you is very beneficial for everyone.



Reporter and Editing

Huge knowledge about History

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