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Hi i ,am

javeria khanum

Media students


I am a media student Bs v

About me

Photography is an art form that capture moments ,emotions,and beauty.she is a spark of creativity,igniting the world around her. she is fearless in the face of challenges,always ready to take on the next adventure.Her passion and creativity are a powerful combination,driving her to achieve greatness. she is a shining star,lighting the way for others to follow their passions and pursure their dreams

skills and experience


In a cozy nook ,she finds her muse with ink-stained fingers and a heart to choose.word dance like fireflies.growing bright,as she weaves her dreams into the night.Her journal a canvas where throught take flight every page a portal every line a light.A girl a writer crafting her legacy.

In a quiet corner of the world there lived a girl whose passion illuminated everything around her.rare and unyielding her creativity flowed like a river shaping vibrant stories and breathtaking art that captivated all who eccountered it

In a world bursting with stories waiting to be told there was a girl whose passion for writing breathend life into every page she touched.with a pen as her wand,she conjured vivid tales that danced with emotions reflecting her artisitic spirit.

Our aim is to make you a skillful person so that you can earn decent employment on your own. We don’t sell courses, but we make you able to be your own boss.

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